


✎ Volunteer ✄ Volunteer ✑ Volunteer

PIE Runs on Volunteers Like You!

Do you have experience organizing activities, artist events, gallery shows, teaching workshops etc? We’d love your expertise!

Are you a student, new to the indie community of Pittsburgh, or just want to meet fellow creatives, learn how to organize a show, facilitate programs, grow your portfolio or just help you? We’d love your energy!

Fill out the form below!

What Are You Good At?

Planning & Organizing

Planning the program schedule and exhibitor events, and helping exhibitors on the day of the event with load-in, load-out, and through-out the event, checking in with exhibitors, taking surveys etc.


Photography, social media, distributing flyers across the city and during art events, staffing the check-in table, directing guests and answering visitors’ questions etc.

Event Coordination

Assist during panels and workshops, making sure they start and end on time, assisting visitors arriving late to find seating, cleaning up between programs, stocking up on art supplies etc.

Let’s work together!