How To Apply

What to Submit

Who Can Exhibit

✎ How To Apply ✄ What to Submit ✑ Who Can Exhibit

Exhibitor FAQs

  • Anyone from anywhere make creator-owned narrative and story-telling based work! Individual artists, groups, collectives, distros, small press, tabletop or rpg designers, and everyone in-between are encouraged to exhibit!

    We aim to have a mix of Pittsburgh-region creators and folks from outside the area, and have a balance of experienced exhibitors and folks new to the indie scene.

  • Anything handmade or originally designed and created by you.

    Handmade examples: Comics and zines you printed yourself or with others; original drawings, paintings, sculptures etc; totes, shirts, or prints you made yourself or with a group using hand printmaking techniques; stickers and buttons you pressed yourself etc.

    Not handmade examples: Art and books you wrote or drew but ordered from a printer; stickers, totes, shirts, buttons or other merch you drew but ordered from a manufacturer etc.

  • To support the purpose of PIE as a platform for indie creatives, we will prioritize original work over fan merch and designs. It’s ok to have these (we make fan art too!) but your table should be mostly original work.

    We reserve the right to deny applications using AI or generative art or writing. We are open when these are used intentionally and experimentally as part of the creative process and disclosed in the work. We are NOT ok with using AI or generative tools to replace an artist or use other artists’ intellectual property.

  • Yes! We just ask that anything 18+ is clearly marked. If your work is mostly or only 18+ we’ll probably put you in a group with similar creators.

  • The application will ask for:

    • Your preferred name and creator/display name

    • A photo, image or logo

    • A bio or description

    • Website and/or social media presence

    • Examples of what you do/make

    • Option to propose a workshop, panel or other programming

Participation Policies

Safe Space & Conduct Policy

PIE aims to foster an inclusive and respectful environment for all participants. Our goal is to ensure that everyone feels safe, valued, and able to express themselves without fear of discrimination, harassment, or harm.

We embrace diversity and welcome people from all backgrounds, identities, and experiences. Discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, ability, religion, or any other characteristic will not be tolerated. This includes actions by any participant, merchandize, and/or imagery.

Committment to Expectations

By participating in PIE, all individuals agree to uphold the values outlined in this policy. We are dedicated to cultivating a supportive atmosphere and appreciate everyone's role in creating a safe environment. Your cooperation and commitment are essential to the success of our community.

We ask that the you let organizers know of any violations of these expectations. All reports will be taken seriously and investigated promptly. Anyone who disregards these community expectations will be removed from the space.

Consider These Guidelines:

  • Obtain clear verbal consent before making physical contact or infringing on personal boundaries.

  • Obtain clear verbal consent before photographing or recording individuals.

  • Acknowledge and respect individuals’ opinions, beliefs, diverse experiences, and varying perspectives.

  • Take responsibility for your actions and recognize that they can affect others, regardless of your original intentions.

  • Be aware of unintentionally creating an environment that is intimidating, undesirably sexual, disruptive, hostile, or ableist.