Support PIE
Support PIE
Support PIE
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Support PIE!
Pittsburgh Indie Expo (PIE) is an event that highlights the creativity and innovation of independent creators and small creative businesses in the Pittsburgh region and beyond. PIE creates a platform for independent comics creators and small press publishers to connect with each other, build professional communities within the region and beyond, and engage with the art-loving public.
PIE runs on volunteer passion and labor! Supporting us helps keep the event free for all attendees, table fees low for exhibitors, invite special guests, and create programming.
See sponsorship options below or contact us at PIEburgh@gmail.com to create unique advertising opportunities just for you!
Sponsor Packages
(Or equivalent in-kind donation)
Your logo on our website and promotion through a dedicated social media campaign.
(Or equivalent in-kind donation)
Your logo on our website and promotion through a dedicated social media campaign.
+ Your logo included in the printed programs and maps distributed on the day of the event.
(Or equivalent in-kind donation)
Your logo on our website, social media, printed programs and maps.
+ Your logo on the unique artist-created poster promoting the show, distributed in print across Pittsburgh and surrounding regions.
(Or equivalent in-kind donation)
Your logo on our website, social media campaign, printed programs, maps and the poster.
+ Your logo included on printed signage, displayed during panels and workshops, and a small table on the exhibition floor (manned or unmanned.)
$1000 Custom Package
We will work with you to create a unique custom package that includes all the of the above and more!
This could look like custom-branded swag for exhibitors and attendees, a table activity, giveaways, special events leading up to the expo etc