✎ Indie Comics & Zines ✄ Small Press ✑ Art & Prints ✎ Indie Comics & Zines ✄ Small Press ✑ Art & Prints ✎ Indie Comics & Zines ✄ Small Press ✑ Art & Prints Exhibitor Application Exhibitor FAQ Name - how you want us to address you Exhibitor name - this is EXACTLY how it will appear on the website, map, social media etc. * What City are you in? * What State are you in? * Email * Social media (instagram, blue sky, X etc) Table Size * Half table + 1 chair ($35) Full table + 2 chairs ($65) I'm open to either. (we'll assign based on space.) Have you tabled at other comics and zine fairs, comic and anime conventions, craft markets etc? * Yes, a lot! Yes, a few (like 2-4) No, this is my first one! Website if you have one http:// Tell us about yourself and what you do/make! We will also use this as your bio on the website, social media, etc * Would you describe yourself as: * An individual creator A group / collective A distro A small press publisher Other What describes the work you make and will have at PIE? * Choose as many as you like Kid-friendly Adult 18+ Comics Zines Anthologies / Magazines Prints Games Art books Poetry and/or Literary Photography Merch (stickers, pins, shirts etc) Is there a link where we can see samples of your work? You can skip this if you'd prefer to upload images below. http:// Do you want to propose or participate in programming? This could be workshops, panels, demos, readings, anything you can imagine! Tell us your ideas here or email us later! Do you need any accommodations or considerations for table placement? Anything you want us to know? Thank you! We’ll get back to you once applications close end of January/early February!